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Barony of Fenix

Per chevron engrailed Or and vert, two laurel wreaths and a phoenix counterchanged.
Founded:Barony in May 1994
Modern Location:Southwest Ohio and Northern Kentucky



Fenix is a Barony in the South Oaken region of the Middle Kingdom. It covers Southwest Ohio and Northern Kentucky.


  • Arms/Device - Per chevron engrailed Or and vert, two laurel wreaths and a phoenix counterchanged.



  • Proto-incipient Canton of Hunston (Northern KY) (Dissolved/Dormant 1996)
  • Incipient Canton of Geatwald (Eastern Cincinnati) (Dissolved/Dormant 2014)

Baronial Lineage

Fenix Baronage

Date Barons/Baronesses
1994-2001 Amaranth Wolfbane and Aedona
2001-2005 Randolph Lee and CuMhara of Holyhead
2005-2010 Christophe van der Ross and Jemma Blakeney
2010-2014 Hengist Hawardessune and Hypathia of Inishmohr
2014-2019 Ulf Von Greiffenburg and Sarnat ingen Chormeicc
2019-2024 Angus von Atzinger and Melisande de Canonwald
2024-current Reinhold von Glier and Lynne Fairchild

Baronial Awards

Baronial Order of Precedence:

  • Fenix Crest - Order for those who have rendered service far beyond that normally expected of subjects of the Barony and over an extended period of time
  • Fenix Heart - Award for those have displayed many years of extraordinary service to the Barony
  • Baroness' Favor - Award for those who have displayed outstanding chivalry or courtesy
  • Baron's Sigil - Award for those who have displayed outstanding nobility and wisdom.
  • Risen Fenix - Award for those who have displayed continuing skill and contributions in martial skill, arts & science, or service
  • Company of the Fenix - Order for those have displayed continuing martial skill and contributions to the Barony in those martial arts recognized by the Society
  • Fenix Flock - Award for the groups, including households, who have made contributions to the Barony in any area.
  • Golden Feather - Award for those who have committed a noteworthy act of merit for the betterment of the Barony
  • Pin Feather - Award for those youth who have committed a noteworthy act of merit for the betterment of the Barony

History of the Barony

Composed by Mistress Ingrid and read in a special ceremony at the Barony of Fenix 12th Night, 2010.

The first flames of the Society for Creative Anachronism began on May 1, 1966 as a back yard party for people who were holding a last tournament from a medieval history class. This May Day event was intended to be a single time event, just for fun. Nobody ever expected it to continue. From there the idea of a group that re-created the best parts of the middle ages and renaissance grew and stretched until we find ourselves today in Anno Societatus 44. Now there are 19 kingdoms in the known world. Early SCA was very much tied to the Science Fiction/Fantasy conventions. Perhaps some of the earlier members of the SCA like Dianna Paxton, Marion Zimmer Bradley and Robert Aspirin helped to forge the imagination and drive that made the organization grow and prosper. The West became the first kingdom and the East the second. The Dragon throne became the third kingdom of the known world.

The Kingdom of the Dragon was the third Kingdom of the Society for Creative anachronism. Once the largest kingdom in the known world, we have spawned four principalities which became kingdoms. We are still among the largest kingdoms in population and land. On the dragon throne Cariadoc of the Bow became our first king in Anno Sociatatus 3. Tree Girt Sea, North Woods, and Middle Marches were the first groups. Our own Budach Houndmaster was present for many of those early events especially in Middle Marches. Barony of the Flame in Kentucky, Cleftlands and even Flaming Gryphon were also early to become groups in the Midrealm.

The Fenix originally was born of the Flame, the Barony of the Flame. The Barony of the Flame is one of the oldest Baronies of the Middle. The Barony of the Flame was founded in the Mid 1970s. A small group of high school students named us Fenix because the Fenix is born of the Flame. In those days, these High School Students, including Cleo, and chaperoned by a couple named Buddy and Raven Goose, were part of the group that traveled from Fenix to the Barony of the Flame in Louisville Kentucky for events and meetings. This group had a lot of fun but never got that organized. The group went dormant for a while. The Fenix went to sleep until a new group rose from the ashes and the Fenix re-emerged.

We are tested and hardened in the fire of the Gryphon. The test of fire continued as we became the Independent Shire of Fenix. We are a group risen from the Flames. When the Fenix was re-organized again it became a part of the Barony of the Flaming Gryphon as The March of the Fenix. It was, at that time, one of four groups that were a part of Gryphon. Including Flaming Sword, Fenix, Winged Hills and Unicorn. The flames continued with the Fenix and the Barony of Flaming Gryphon. Notable memories from that time include Patrick McPhalen lighting his arm on fire (without being hurt) as he lit a Flaming Gryphon armature at a feast of Dante's Heaven and HellĀ and TR teaching us to do flaming Saganiki at every table the first feast Ingrid ever feast-o-crated called Byzantine Greek Day in 1984. Fenix hosted the first huge coronation in 1982. It was the 2nd Coronation of Talymar and Eislin at the Cathedral Basillica in Covington. It was complete with carriage rides and a parade through the streets of Covington. Our passed comrade, nicknamed Cessil B. De Marksberry orchestrated the pageantry. We were a part of Flaming Gryphon still. Christoph, Cleo, Karl, Ingrid, IronForger, Gheronda, Dur, and James were all active in those days as the March of the Fenix.

Shortly after that coronation we became an Independent Shire and became the Shire of the Fenix. Much growth occurred during those years. Our events got larger and our presence became more and more known in our Kingdom. Marain and Dragonhawk cheered us on to bigger and better things. We broke the mold in 1993 when we hosted the first Crown Tourney to come close to 1,000 people in attendance. It was held at Music Hall and Rog and Alwynn, who were new to the SCA, served as the trolls who pulled off that amazing event. As the Fenix grew we were supported by an ever larger populace. It would be impossible to name all those who were active in the Shire before we became a Barony. The Independent Shire of the Fenix went on to host many an event and grew and flourished.

The Independent Shire of the Fenix had grown to where we could petition to become a Barony of the Midrealm. Our group had prospered, hosting several Coronations, Crown Tournaments and Tournaments of Chivalry. By this time we had several members who had served as Kingdom officers. We had our first few Peers. The first Baron and Baroness elected were Amaranth and Aedona. The baronial investiture, where Fenix became a barony, occurred at the Coronation of Finn and Garlanda in May of 1994. It was held at the Masonic Temple in downtown Cincinnati on Fourth St. Amaranth and Aedona were invested at that time, and held the first baronial court.

We are always pushing the envelope. Again, it would be impossible to name all those who have been contributing members of the Barony over the years. When we became a Barony we tried to register our old Fenix arms, The red, black and gold Fenix. We found that would not pass so once again the Fenix rose from the ashes. This time Lizzy is a beautiful bird of Green and Yellow.

The Barony of the Fenix is rather unique in that it holds lands in two states with a river that divides. This puts us in a very defensible place.. a land of seven hills surrounded by three counties in Ohio (Hamilton, Clermont, Brown) and three in Kentucky (Boone, Kenton, Campbell). We are claiming more land in Kentucky and hopefully Indiana too as the message of the Fenix spreads. Our citizens are happy. They are honorable. They are prosperous. They bring their time and talents to the Fenix and we support our Middle Kingdom. It is possible that The Fenix has hosted more Crown Tourneys and coronations than any other group in the Midlrealm. (If that isn't true yet in two or three more years it may certainly be true) We have had many great officers of state and minor officers within our borders. We have peers and populous all of whom are the salt of the earth. The very material that the Society is made of.

The Society for Creative Anachronism grows and expands in numbers, land and experience by its ideas, fun, learning, friendship, and pageantry. Our experience is unique. We experience in our SCA lives what, to most, are simple esoteric ideals: We experience and live the virtues of Valor, Honor, Fealty, Honesty, Prudence, Justice, Mercy, Temperance and Fortitude. These ideals become reality in our play and in our re-creation. The SCA spreads to the world around us. In our everyday lives we live in a world where those ideals may be lacking. But, in the Society for Creative Anachronism we, hopefully, experience the best of humanity and the best of what we personally can attain.

Heraldry History

The name March of the Fenix was registered with the SCA College of Heralds in January of 1982.
The name was updated to Shire of the Fenix in February of 1992.
The heraldic device "Sable, a phoenix of flames statant, wings elevated and addorsed, issuant from flames proper and in canton a laurel wreath Or." for March of the Fenix was registered in August of 1982 and should have been released in February of 1992 (unsure if it was).
The heraldic device for Shire of the Fenix was registered in February of 1992.

Events Held

External Links

Barony Website
Official Facebook Page
Official Facebook Group

The current copy of the Fenix Newsletter can be found here Flammeus Alles

Midrealm Baronies: Andelcrag, Ayreton, Brendoken, Carraig Ban, Cleftlands, Cynnabar, Donnershafen, Fenix, Flame, Flaming Gryphon, Illiton, Middle Marches, Northwoods, Red Spears, Rivenstar, Roaring Wastes, Shadowed Stars, Shattered Crystal, Sternfeld

Midrealm Shires: Afonlyn, Altenberg, Aurea Ripae, Baile na Scolairi, Caer Gwyn, Cuil Choluim, Dark River, Dragon's Vale, Dragonsmark, Eastwatch, Falcon's Quarry, Grenemere, Greyhope, Mynydd Seren, Narrental, Okenshield, Qal`at Ja`far, Ravenslake, Rivenvale, Riviere Constelle, Starleaf Gate, Steren Codha, Stormvale, Swordcliff, Talonval, White Waters

Midrealm Cantons: Alderford, Border Keep, Brackendelve, Castell Gwent, Catteden, Dernehealde, , Ealdnordwuda, Fearann na Criche, Foxvale, Gleann Iaruinn, Grey Gargoyles, Gwyntarian, Havenholde, Hawkes Keye, Hrothgeirsfjorthr, Lochmorrow, Marshes, Mugmort, Norborough, Nordheim, Oakford, Pferdestadt, Rimsholt, Rokkehealden, Thistle, Three Hills, Three Towers, Three Walls, Tirnewydd, Tree-Girt-Sea, Unicorn, Vanished Wood, WealdLake, Westmere, Winged Hills, Woods End

Other Territories: Riding: Hawkland Moor, College: Saint Brutus, Hamlets: Dun Traigh, Blackhawk

Incipient and Proto-Incipient: Auenwald, Austrigatt, Cetus, Grenemere

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