Fenix Heart

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Fenix Heart
to:Barony of the Fenix

The Award of the Fenix Heart is a Baronial award for the Barony of Fenix.

There shall exist in the Barony of Fenix an award which the Coronet may bestow as it sees fit. The award shall be referred to as the Award of the Fenix Heart. The award shall be given to individuals who, in the sight of the Coronet, have displayed many years of extraordinary service to the Barony of Fenix.


As a Baronial Award, this Award does not convey Precedence.

Rights and Privileges

Recipients of the Fenix Heart may bear the badge emblazoned as registered with the College of Arms. The Award of the Fenix Heart is depicted by an enflamed heart over top a Fenix


The Baronial Herald shall maintain an historic record of recipients.

The premier recipients were Hengist Hawardessune and Hypathia of Inishmohr, awarded by the Excellencies Baron Angus von Atzinger and Baroness Melisande de Canonwald on the 7th of January, 2023 at Fenix's 12th Night Celebration.

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