Anno Societatis

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The SCA was founded May 1, 1966. Years date from that point, May 1st of each year beginning a new year.

The years of the Society are 'Anno Societatis' and are commonly referred to with Roman numerals.

There are two sets of monarchs for each year in the MidRealm, since Coronations are held each May and October. (Cariadoc and Diana originally reigned for a full year, during the latter half of which they had a Crown Prince and Crown Princess.) The Middle Kingdom was founded in A.S. IV.

A.D. A.S. Important Event
1966-67 I First Tournament; Kingdom of the West; first Knight; "SCA" coined; first King
1967-68 II Orders of Chivalry, Laurel; first Duke
1968-69 III SCA, Inc.; East Kingdom; first Barons, Grants, Awards
1969-70 IV Middle Kingdom
1970-71 V Kingdom of Atenveldt
1971-72 VI First Pennsic War
1972-73 VII Order of Pelican
1973-74 VIII First Duchesses, Counts, Countesses
1974-75 IX First Viscounts, Viscountesses
1975-76 X Decennial of the SCA in Three Hills, Middle Kingdom
1976-77 XI
1977-78 XII Kingdom of Meridies
1978-79 XIII Kingdom of Caid
1979-80 XIV Kingdom of Ansteorra
1980-81 XV Kingdom of Atlantia
1981-82 XVI Kingdom of An Tir
1982-83 XVII
1983-84 XVIII Kingdom of Calontir
1984-85 XIX
1985-86 XX Kingdom of Trimaris; 20 Yr. Celebration of SCA in Ansteorra
1986-87 XXI Kingdom of Outlands
1987-88 XXII
1988-89 XXIII
1989-90 XXIV
1990-91 XXV 25 Yr. Celebration of SCA in Ansteorra
1991-92 XXVI
1992-93 XXVII
1993-94 XXVIII Kingdom of Drachenwald
1994-95 XXIX BoD Controversy; Estrella Treaty
1995-96 XXX 30 Yr. Celebration of SCA in An Tir
1996-97 XXXI
1997-98 XXXII Kingdom of Artemisia; Kingdom of Æthelmearc
1998-99 XXXIII Kingdom of Ealdormere
1999-00 XXXIV
2000-01 XXXV
2001-02 XXXVI
2002-03 XXXVII Kingdom of Lochac
2003-04 XXXVIII
2004-05 XXXIX Kingdom of Northshield
2005-06 XL Kingdom of Gleann Abhann
2006-07 XLI
2007-08 XLII
2008-09 XLIII
2009-10 XLIV
2010-11 XLV
2011-12 XLVI
2012-13 XLVII
2013-14 XLVIII
2014-15 XLIX Order of Defense
2015-16 L Society 50 Year Celebration in the Middle Kingdom; Kingdom of Avacal
2016-17 LI
2017-18 LII
2018-19 LIII
2019-20 LIV
2020-21 LV
2021-22 LVI
2022-23 LVII
2023-24 LVIII
2024-25 LIX

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