86th Reign of the Middle Kingdom
From MiddleWiki
King: Dag VII
Queen: AnneMarie III
Crown Tournament:
Coronation: September 29, 2012
Notable events:
- King's Champion: Ulfr Forkbeard
- Queen's Champion: Crispin dela Rochefoucauld
- Rapier Champion: Ælfwine se Pyttel
- Archery Champion:
Royal Staff
- Chamberlain: Genoveva von Lübeck
- Head Retainer: Maddie McRae
- Ladies/Lords in Waiting: Gregor Reinhardt von Holstein, Gilebert le bracceur de Dijon, Zygmunt Nadratowski
Knights elevated: Calum MacDhaibhidh
Laurels elevated:
Pelicans elevated:
Curia Regis:
- Kingdom Seneschal:
- Dragon Herald:
- Earl Marshal:
- Exchequer: Briana Morgan of the Valley
- Chronicler:
- A&S Minister:
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