100th Middle Kingdom Crown Tournament

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Date: 26 May 2019

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Hosting Barony:

Event Stewards:


Crown Tournament

Tournament Style

A straight double elimination tournament



Round 1

  • Sor Ustad Hasan al Hajii vs Captain Criomhthann CuRua
    • Criomthann over Ustad
  • Sir Kilian Fendrich vs Sir Seto Gesshuko
    • Seto over Kilian
  • Sir Midair MacCormaic vs Duke Felix the Just of Rams'ey
    • Felix over Midair
  • Sir Marcus Draconarius vs Pan Zygmunt Nadratowski
    • Marcus over Zygmunt
  • Master Azriel le Fey vs Syr Calum MacDhaibhidh
    • Azriel Le Faye over Calum
  • Master Tonis van Driele vs Sir Crispin al-Rumi
    • Crispin over Tonis
  • Sir Lothar Nachtshatten vs Sargeant Hjalmr Njalsson
    • Lothar over Hjalmer
  • Duke Dag Thorgrimsson vs His Lordship Svenki Magnusson
    • Dag over Svenki
  • Sargeant Azrael the Lanky vs Sir Seto Gesshuko
    • Seto over Azrael the Lankey
  • Captain Dyderich Wolfhart vs Sir Marcus Draconarius
    • Dyderich over Marcus
  • Lord Haroun ibn-Ditir ibn-Ullrson vs Duke Dag Thorgrimsson
    • Dag over Haroun

Elimination Round 1

  • His Lordship Svenki Magnusson vs Sir Marcus Draconarius
    • Marcus over Svenki
  • Master Tonis van Driele vs Sargeant Azrael the Lanky
    • Tonis over Azrael the Lankey
  • Sor Ustad Hasan al Hajii vs Lord Haroun ibn-Ditir ibn-Ullrson
    • Haroun over Ustad
  • Sargeant Hjalmr Njalsson vs Sir Marcus Draconarius
    • Marcus over Hjalmr
  • Syr Calum MacDhaibhidh vs Master Tonis van Driele
    • Calum over Tonis, Tonis retires from the field
  • Pan Zygmunt Nadratowski vs Sir Midair MacCormaic
    • Midair over Zygmunt, Zygmunt retires from the field
  • Sir Kilian Fendrich vs Lord Haroun ibn-Ditir ibn-Ullrson
    • Haroun over Kilian and Kilian retires from the field

Round 2

  • Captain Criomhthann CuRua vs Sir Seto Gesshuko
    • Seto over Criomthann
  • Duke Felix the Just of Rams'ey vs Captain Dyderich Wolfhart
    • Felix over Dyderich
  • Master Azriel le Fey vs Sir Crispin al-Rumi
    • Crispin over Azriel Le Faye
  • Sir Lothar Nachtshatten vs Duke Dag Thorgrimsson
    • Dag over Lothar

Elimination Round 2

  • Sir Marcus Draconarius vs Captain Criomhthann CuRua
    • Marcus over Criomthann, Criomthann retires from the field
  • Syr Calum MacDhaibhidh vs Captain Dyderich Wolfhart
    • Dyderich over Calum, Calum is retired from the field.
  • Sir Midair MacCormaic vs Master Azriel le Fey
    • Midair over Azriel Le Faye, Azriel is retired from the field
  • Lord Haroun ibn-Ditir ibn-Ullrson vs Sir Lothar Nachtshatten
    • Haroun over Lothar, Lothar retires from the field

Elimination Round 3

  • Sir Marcus Draconarius vs Captain Dyderich Wolfhart
    • Marcus over Dyderich and Deyderich is retired from the field
  • Sir Midair MacCormaic vs Lord Haroun ibn-Ditir ibn-Ullrson
    • Haroun over Midair, Midair is retired from the field

Round 3

  • Sir Seto Gesshuko vs Duke Felix the Just of Rams'ey
    • Seto over Felix
  • Sir Crispin al-Rumi vs Duke Dag Thorgrimsson
    • Dag over Crispin

Elimination Round 4

  • Lord Haroun ibn-Ditir ibn-Ullrson vs Duke Felix the Just of Rams'ey
    • Felix over Haroun who died in epic fashion at the feet of his Inspiration. He is retired from the field
  • Sir Marcus Draconarius vs Sir Crispin al-Rumi
    • Marcus over Crispin, Crispin is retired from the field

Round 4/Semi-Finals
Two bouts each

  • Sir Seto Gesshuko vs Sir Marcus Draconarius
    • Marcus over Seto in the first bout
    • Seto over Marcus, Seto advances and Marcus is retired from the field.
  • Duke Dag Thorgrimsson vs Duke Felix the Just of Rams'ey
    • Felix wins over Dag - giving a single loss for each. They will now fight again to see who advances.
    • Dag over Felix, Felix is retired from the field.

Round 5/Finals
Heralds announce the Format: The finals will be best of three. The first two bouts will be with matched weapons forms. The fighter of senior rank shall choose the form of the first bout. The fighter of junior rank shall choose the form of the second bout. If a third bout is needed the fighters may arm themselves how they choose and do not need to match. Allowed choices for the finals are: weapon and shield, two weapons, pole arm, and great sword

  • Sir Seto Gesshuko vs Duke Dag Thorgrimsson
    • Round 1: Two stick – The victor is Sir Seto
    • Round 2: Bastard Swords – Duke Dag accepts a blow to the head and Sir Seto is declared the victor


The Tanists of the Middle Kingdom are Sir Seto Gesshuko and his inspiration, Her Ladyship Ynes de Jaen.

For the 100th Reign of the Middle Kingdom

See the 99th Middle Kingdom Crown Tournament or go on to the 101st Middle Kingdom Crown Tournament

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