The Bolt

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The Award of The Bolt of Andelcrag is an award given in the Barony of Andelcrag.

It is given at the discretion of the Baron and Baroness, for reasons. Recipients may display the badge: Unregistered

Recipients of the Bolt of Andelcrag

During the term of Baroness Antonia Lavinia Maria Toscano and Baroness Collette du Valois

01/01/14Genevieve Rose de Glendalough
06/14/14Soffeke Stoterogghen (Sophie de Neuferin)
08/14/15Masarrah an bint Ma'mam
08/14/15Saehildr Barnagothr
09/17/16Melike bint Nikola

During the term of Baron Raymond d'Anjou and Baroness Zubaida Qilichlu Qari bint Abed al Kadir

04/14/18Adallisia moglie di Simon Varzi (Adallisia de Porto Fino)
04/14/18Simon Varzi (Simon di Porto Fino, Symon de Porto Fino)
04/14/18Thomasette de Harfleur
06/16/18Alaina Blackram
06/16/18Spencer Alwyn (Thelvald Aylwin)
09/22/18James Henry
01/20/19Bridget O'Brien
01/20/19Ligessac d'Issigny (Lyggessauc Cook)
01/20/19John Stoterogghen
01/20/19Sven the Red
05/11/19Isabell la Sauvage
05/11/19Maeve Perchan
06/15/19Aindle of Northwoods
08/12/19Ligessac d'Issigny (Lyggessauc Cook)
01/19/20Cynthia Plum
01/19/20Don the Wood Guy
01/19/20Elizabeth Carnell
01/19/20Erika Beck
01/19/20Ilaria Degli Attavante
01/19/20Jodi Giacalone
01/19/20Kristy Brown
01/19/20Rose Arcana nic Toenesson
01/19/20Ryan Parnoby
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