Siege of talonval

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The Siege of Talonval is the Local event Hosted by the Shire of Talonval, held each year typically towards the beginning of July. The event is a weekend camping event, as per the norm of weekend SCA events, the bulk of activities and feast are held on Saturday.


The event is help at The Wheel Inn Campground, at 240 Fogg Rd., Leslie, MI 49251.


This is generally a more relaxed event, with some friendly parties and bardic circles within the various camping groups. There is always a feast to have, and some well traveled merchant tents. There is Armored combat as well as rapier, thrown weapons, archery, and various A&S classes and demonstrations.

Armored Combat

There are popular tourneys held on Saturday, as well as Melee fighting. Historically the Shire Champion is determined for the following year with a tournament held by the current champion. Also there is a "Crown Style" Double elimination tourney, which has been held by Master Zygmunt Nadratowski the last few years. The Melee fighting follows the event title, and includes some siege style combat, usually there are a few different scenaios to be played out.

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