Masterwork Challenge

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The Masterwork Challenge is, in effect, a guild whose members promote the arts through setting standards and working with newer members to help them achieve those standards, much as they did in the Middle Ages.

The Medieval Master taught apprentices to achieve ever higher levels in the Guild structure, and in the same way, our Masterwork Challenge seeks to use the experience of those who have achieved, to teach those who are less experienced. Mentors can come from all levels. Willows to teach the novice, Evergreens to teach the Willows and Novices, etc. In this way there are many teachers where there are many students in the Guild structure, and the participants become more independent as they progress. Ultimately, the Crown level participant is working completely independently and assessed by the Crown.

We do not view this process as competitive with the A&S competitions already in place, but rather as complementary to them. Where the competitions judge all to the same standard, in a system designed to showcase only the best, the Masterwork Challenge helps to give a more realistic set of goals that can be achieved at each level of experience. The novice can in this way be rewarded as well for their exemplary effort as the Laurel, and participation at all levels is vitally encouraged.

Masterwork Challenge Website

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