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The Chancellor of the Exchequer is the financial officer of a branch, guild, or other entity. This office is required in Corpora Article III.C. Commonly shortened to Exchequer.


In the Middle Kingdom, all persons who wish to become a Chancellor of the Exchequer should have some experience with bookkeeping procedures and accounting. The Chancellor of the Exchequer must prove an ability to reconcile bank statements to the branch account, to produce monthly and quarterly reports, and to comply with requests from their superiors in the chain of command for information. The Chancellor of the Exchequer must have regular access to email and spreadsheet software such as Excel or OpenOffice. Knowledge of tax law regarding nonprofit organizations is a plus.

Kingdom Chancellors of the Exchequer and Regional Deputies should have the ability to oversee and act as a resource for local group exchequers.

Potential Chancellors of the Exchequer must be current paid members of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.


Responsibilities of each Branch Exchequer (up to and including the Kingdom Exchequer) include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Being familiar with the laws and policies governing the use and control of Branch assets that are outlined in the Chancellor of the Exchequer Branch Officer’s Reference Handbook (SCA, Inc.), the Society Financial Policy, and the Kingdom Financial Policy.
  • Following reporting schedules and guidelines outlined by the Chancellor of the Exchequer Branch Officer’s Reference Handbook (SCA, Inc.) and this Financial Policy.
  • Having a review of Branch financial books performed at least once every two years, or when a change of office occurs, by the regional or Kingdom exchequer or their designated representative.
  • Contacting the Kingdom or Regional Exchequer for aid and guidance when needed.
  • Reading the Kingdom Exchequer Officer’s letters in the Middle Kingdom newsletter (The Pale) each month, in which ay changes in policy will be noted.
  • Being a member of the Middle Kingdom Exchequer Google Group, which functions as the official email service for the Middle Kingdom Exchequers, in which any changes in policy or announcements will be made.
  • Using correct asset handling procedures: using a second person not living at the same residence, to both count all monies collected for the Branch, and having both persons attest to the amount to assure accuracy and accountability.

Additional information about being an Exchequer can be found at www.midrealm.org/exchequer

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