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A Margrave or Marchonesse is a historic title for a highly ranked noble who held lands on the fringe or edges of the Kingdom, sometimes lands that were under contention with another Kingdom. It has a martial connotation and might be considered equivalent in rank to a Count or Duke.

"The title of Margrave (Marquis or Marquess) dates to Charlemagne's reign, when the emperor appointed trusted noblemen of military background to oversee newly acquired territories, frontier lands known as marches. The word Graf, 'leader,' was combined with march, and the word Margraf or Margrave was born. The titles Duke (from the Latin dukis) and Count (comte, from the Old French for companion) also date to the era of the Carolingians." Rhiannon Ottersdale Middle Kingdom Historian

In the early history of the Middle Kingdom there was one individual, Jaime Fox who was given the title "Margrave of the Cleftlands" in a move to appease him as there was contention over the fact that his group was older than Jehan de la Marche's Middle Marches

Jaime released his title of Margrave when Cleftlands became a Barony, as he felt the new Baron, Laurelen Darksbane had right to it.

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