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The "Litany" is a series of honors that participants render at the direction of a herald of the lists (Or alternately, a Marshal if a herald is unavailable) at the start of a formal tourney, such as Crown Tourney.

It takes the following form:

  • "Salute the Crown of the Middle Kingdom!" (Combatants bow, render a salute of arms, or other honors to the attending royalty or presence.)
  • "Salute the one for whom you fight this day!" (Combatants bow, render a salute of arms, or other honors to the their significant other, or such.)
  • "Salute your most honorable and worthy foe!" (Combatants bow, render a salute of arms, or other honors to each other.)
  • "Good gentles, pay heed to the marshals."

In subsequent rounds, before the lay on is called, marshals will usually preface it pay saying, "Bearing in mind the honors you have already rendered..."

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