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--Middle Kingdom Great Book--

Book Chest

The heavy duty wooden box was a major artwork in itself. It is bound in very solid wrought iron straps and is latched with a sliding key type Viking period lock. The key inserts and turns, but it must then slide sideways to pull the bolt from the eye. The dragons resemble those on the leather case.


Box Construction: Baron Septentria Master Aedan o Kincora; Copyright: Malcolm Jenne

Box Embellishment: Baroness Septentria Mistress Caffa Muiriath; Copyright: Kathy Jenne

Locking mechanism: Master Einar Lutemaker; Copyright: Ellen Kuhfeld

The inside of the box is lined with a lavish hand woven fabric. The Great Book itself is wrapped in a dark blue cloth magnificently embroidered and appliquéd with the arms of the Middle Kingdom surrounded by badges of the award/orders: The Dragon's Heart, The Dragon's Tooth, The Silver Oak, The Queen's Favor (aka Doe's Grace), The Purple fret, and The Willow. Fabric lining: Lord John of Calador; Copyright: John Wagner

Embroidered wrapping cloth:

Mistress Meriel de Blackwoode; Copyright: Jeri Matteson-Hughes

Mistress Greya Ankayrlyn; Copyright: Marjean Schaefer

Lady Liusaidh MacLeoid; Copyright: Bambi Robinson

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