Douglas the Dolphin

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Douglas the Dolphin is a Traveling Trophy of the Middle Kingdom. He represents cetacians


Douglas for Order of the Cavendish Knot

He organizes fights; teaches about unconventional parry devices; encourages trial and error in a way that’s safe enough that it doesn’t require a formal experiment review; he encourages participation by those who would be reluctant to participate in an elimination tournament; and is widely regarded as one of the most fun people to face on the field in all the Known World.

In his many years of fencing, Douglas has participated in more individual bouts than any other creature, far exceeding the bout count of his nearest rival, Monkey

For his unmatched enthusiasm, unique skill, and extraordinary service, I can heartily recommend him to His Majesty's Order of the Cavendish Knot. The fact that he’s not only non-human, but not strictly-speaking “alive” are small matters indeed...

Douglas the First

Douglas the first was a 60" plush dolphin. A good bit of the fun of wielding him derived from his very unwieldiness. Bearers were encouraged to invent interesting and different ways to use him as a parry device. Sadly, Douglass developed a terminal case of mildew, which did not respond to treatment.

Ed. We need the dates of Douglas life

Douglas the Second

Douglas the Second is a slightly more manageable 36" from bill to flukes. On the one hand it makes him easier to wield, hence less amusing. On the other hand, he fits more easily in most cars, so people don't object to vehemently to being given him.

The Challenge of Douglas

  • To declare a Challenge of Douglas, approach the bearer and say, "Um . . hey. . . may I fight you for Douglas?" If you WANT to say something fancier, go for it. Douglas is a playful creature, and loves to hear fancy impressive words spoken about him, even if he doesn't really understand human.
  • The combatants may choose whatever forms suit them, BUT the Defender of Douglass is required to use Douglas in defensive manner. Usually this is as a Soft Parry device, but some fighters have been astonishingly inventive.
  • Challenge is best of five passes.
  • Changing forms between passes is allowed
  • Unconventional rules are permitted so long as they do not violate the fencing rules of the Middle Kingdom of the SCA
  • By Challenging for Douglas, you agree to accept the responsibilities of being the Bearer of Douglas until you lose Douglas
  • No one may Challenge for Douglas more than once in a day
  • The Bearer of Douglas may decline any challenge. The fact that the bloody thing is so large and unwieldy encourages the acceptance of challenges.

Responsibilities of the Bearer

  • See to Douglas care and feeding, and provide a proper habitat. Rather than a large salt-water tank and herring, Douglas requires that he be kept clean of visible dirt, that his regalia be maintained in good order, that mending is performed as required.
  • If Douglas seems a bit flat to you, the Bearer should see to his re-stuffing. No one likes a skinny dolphin.
  • Carry a notebook and a pen. Record all challenges. Also record non-challenges were you used Douglas as part of your normal gear. All such notebooks become part of Douglas regalia.
  • Any especially spectacular fights involving Douglas should be described in florid detail in his current notebook, in the style of a "No Sh.t, There I Was..." story.
  • Carry Douglas to any event with fencing, and come prepared to defend him against all challengers.
  • Add something to Douglas regalia. Well-secured patches on his cloak are probably better than dangly bling that can fall off and become a hazard on the field.
  • Intentionally losing a Douglas Challenge is not permitted.
  • This is supposed to be FUN. If it stops being Fun, please re-home Douglas. Hosting a tourney with Douglas as the prize is acceptable under these circumstances.

The Tale of Douglas

Someone who actually knows should fill this in

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