Board of Directors

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The board of directors is the governing body of the SCA. It is generally referred to as the BOD (rhymes with plod).

The members of the BOD include the Chair, Vice Chair, five directors, the corporate secretary, and an executive assistant. With the exception of the secretary and executive assistant, members serve 3.5 year terms. Candidates for the Board are nominated by SCA participants, and nominees remain on the list for two years. The list of nominees is published in Tournaments Illuminated and the Kingdom newsletters for member commentary. These comments are used by the current directors to aid in selecting new directors.

Each member is assigned duties as an Ombudsmen for Society Officers, Board Committees, and/or Kingdoms. They represent those individuals and groups to the Board, and promote communication and coordination between the Board and the functional personnel of the Society.

The Board meets four times a year. The location of Board meetings typically rotates among the Kingdoms so that members have an opportunity to attend.

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