Award of Paws

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Not an official award in Kingdom Law, the "Award of Paws" has been given several times in recognition of an animal who has contributed significantly to our society. While most often given to canines, the award has been given to many different animals and frequently re-named to be specific to the animal who does not have paws "Award of Hooves" etc.


From Katherine Aimee: "It started much earlier than that. A dog named Clancy belonging to the core members of Starleaf Gate (maybe in the 80s) was much beloved by the group and was consistently warm and welcoming to newcomers - I believe it was an Irish Setter - so much so that the then-royalty wanted to recognize him for his contributions to the group. There was a “Clancy Day” event hosted by SLG for many years. I’m not sure whether it was or is an official award."

King Talymar is credited with giving the first "Award of Paws"

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