Thrusting tip

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Any part of an SCA heavy armored combat weapon that is used to thrust at your opponent (as the tip of a sword, or the butt-spike of a polearm) must be padded to minimize the chance of inflicting actual harm.

It is illegal in the MidRealm to thrust (or feint a thrust) without a correctly-constructed thrusting tip on your weapon.

The standards of thrusting tip construction in the MidRealm follow those of the SCA, Inc. and are as follows:

  • Tips must be constructed of at least1-1/4 inch (31.75 mm) of closed-cell foam
  • Tips must be securely attached with at least 1/2 inch (12.7 mm) of progressive give across the face of the thrusting tip without allowing contact with the rigid tip of the weapon
  • Tips must be marked with a contrasting color of tape

Before adopting the "Low Profile Tip" (LPT) standard, single-handed weapon thrusting tips had to be at least 2" in diameter.

The required diameter of thrusting tips depends on the class of weapon.

Single-handed weapons: 2" or greater or LPT.
Polearm/Greatsword: 2" or greater
Rattan spear: 2" or greater
Fiberglass spear: 3" or greater

Note that thrusting tips are an optional part of any weapon, other than spears and daggers (which are thrust-only weapons).

Low Profile Tips

As the name implies, Low Profile Tips (or LPTs) can be of a smaller diameter than 2". The tip can be the same diameter as the sword shaft, meaning that they can be no less than 1 1/4" (31.75 mm) -- the minimum diamenter of rattan allowed.

The MidRealm started experimenting with LPTs around 1997. After a prolonged testing period, they became fully legal in the Kingdom.

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