Royal Round

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60 cm FITA Target


About this shoot

A Royal Round is an archery shoot standardized across all Kingdoms involving a 60 cm FITA target shot in 4 segments.


A Royal Round consists of four groups of shafts/bolts:

  • 6 arrows/bolts (no time limit) at 40 yards
  • 6 arrows/bolts (no time limit) at 30 yards
  • 6 arrows/bolts (no time limit) at 20 yards
  • a 30-second timed shoot at 20 yards with unlimited arrows/bolts

Scoring: Yellow = 5 pts , Red - 4 pts , Blue = 3 pts , Black = 2 pts , White = 1 pt


Archers can achieve a rank based on their scores. The rank is based on the the average of the archer's 3 highest scores in a one year period.

Dragon Archer 105 and above
Bowmaster 95-104
Woodsman 85-94
Marksman 70-84
Yeoman 40-69
Bowman 20-39

Novice 0-19

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