Eddington Cross

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The Order of the Eddington Cross is an Baronial award that is given in the Barony of Roaring Wastes.

This award is given for extraordinary valor in the arts Martial, including Heavy Combat including Siege, Rapier, Youth Combat, Combat Archery, Target Archery, Thrown Weapons, and support (including Waterbearing, Marshaling and Chirurgeonate services) such that the member of the Barony receiving the honor would be recognized for their effort, courage and participation even by those not aware of their Baronial affiliation. Examples: Guilleaume, for running the Midrealm Kingdom Banner behind HRM Alaric throughout Pennsic, at great personal risk and at the sacrifice of his own fighting participation; Chevaleres Jocelyn, for serving as Pentamer General at great personal risk and sacrifice; Master Sir Trelogin Tavistock, for dogged persistence as a Midrealm Champion, surviving both heat and injury until he had to be supported from the field of battle as one of the last three Champions remaining to oppose the Eastrealm.

May be awarded more than once.

The award consists of a cross of any form, not necessarily the specific token given by the Baron and Baroness, worn by the recipient and avowed as their Eddington Cross.

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