Black Nag

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Name: Black Nag
Country: English
Time Period: 17th Century
Source: Playford
Dance for: Three couples in a line
The Steps
Verse 1: double forward and back
Chorus: turn and take hands with partner, couple one takes four sideways gallops up the hall, then couple two takes four to join them, then couple three. All turn in place, take hands and reverse the order with couple three taking four gallops back home, then couple two and finally couple one, all turn single.
Verse 2: Side right, side left
Chorus 2: First lord switches places with the lady in couple three, then the first lady switches places with the lord in couple three, finally the second couple trades places with each other. All turn single and then reverse, first man trades back, then first lady and then the middle couple.
Verse 3: Arm right, arm left
Chorus 3: Men hay, all turn single, women hay
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