Craftperson's Faire

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The Middle Kingdom Craftperson Faire (MKCF) is a non-competitive display venue for artists at any level of development to display their work and discuss how to create similar items.

The MKCF was originally conceived for showing off "period adaptive" items such as cooler covers, portable furniture, and a host of other things that are made to enhance our enjoyment of the Society, but would not do well at a traditional judged competition. Authentic Artifact displays and more traditional arts and sciences projects are welcome as well. It can also be a good venue to discuss and display "a body of work". Documentation is not required.

The entrant's name, address and other such information may appear on the flyer. Many artisans like to remain with their entry to discuss how the entry was made. The MKCF is an excellent venue for artists at any level of development. It is not a competition so the atmosphere is different from the A&S faire. The Middle Kingdom Craftsperson Faire is held in conjunction with the Fall Royal University of the Midrealm (RUM). Regional MOASs may also opt to hold a regional version of the MKCF in their region.

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